Country Guides
> Middle East
> Iraq
Iraq duty free
The following goods may be imported into Iraq without incurring customs duty:
• 200 cigarettes or 25 cigarillos or 10 cigars or 250g of tobacco.
Since February 2023, a law has banned the import, production and sale of all kinds of alcoholic beverages. Violations are punishable by fines of up to IQD 25 million. Legal action is currently being taken against this law.
Residents of Iraq may import goods up to the value of ID500,000 within a 72-hour period. There is no specific value for non-residents, provided the goods are for personal use.
Prohibited Imports
Prohibited imports include alcoholic beverages, magazines, films and videos 'contrary to public norms', arms and ammunition, explosives and narcotics.
Restricted imports include non-military explosives, industrial materials used in explosive devices such as fertiliser, and fowl or poultry products from countries with outbreaks of avian influenza.
Prohibited Exports
Prohibited exports include magazines, films and videos 'contrary to public norms', historical artefacts, arms and ammunition, explosives and narcotics.
Restricted exports include non-military explosives, certain foodstuffs (eg sugar, tea and wheat), animals (excluding household pets), bar soap and detergents (other than for personal use), and certain manufactured goods (eg steel and wood), and date palm seedlings and shoots.